Pre-Release Report


Geoscape Australia believes this publication to be correct at the time of printing and does not accept responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of the information herein. Readers should rely on their own skill and judgement to apply information to particular issues.
This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission of Geoscape Australia.


Release Date

The August 2023 release of Geoscape datasets is scheduled to be published on:

Monday, 20 November 2023

Summary of Product Changes

Data Model Changes:

Changes to the structure of the dataset – such as new tables, changed fields, different dependencies etc.

Domain Values/Field Definition Changes:

Changes to the domain or field definitions within the dataset.

Significant Production Changes:

Processing changes or issues that will impact on the use or release of the dataset.

Data Model Changes

Domain Values/Field Definition Changes

Significant Production Changes













ABS Boundaries




Postcode Boundaries








Local Government Areas








Town Points




State Boundaries




Electoral Boundaries




Product Change Details


The information below is current at the time this report was published. There is a possibility the final release may contain additional changes. These will be described in the associated release report.


ESRI Shapefile geometry shifts for GDA2020 datum

Geoscape have updated the processing environment used to create the ESRI Shapefile outputs. This update has resulted in <0.00001mm shifts for <5% of ESRI Shapefile geometries projected in the GDA2020 datum. This has occurred due to minor processing environment changes to transformation properties when reprojecting from GDA94 to GDA2020. This will not affect other file formats or files that use the GDA94 datum. Attribution, such as PIDs, will not be affected by this update.


ESRI Shapefile geometry shifts for GDA2020 datum

Geoscape have updated the processing environment used to create the ESRI Shapefile outputs. This update has resulted in <0.00001mm shifts for <5% of ESRI Shapefile geometries projected in the GDA2020 datum. This has occurred due to minor processing environment changes to transformation properties when reprojecting from GDA94 to GDA2020. This will not affect other file formats or files that use the GDA94 datum. Attribution, such as PIDs, will not be affected by this update.



Updated The locality of Balmoral (locality_pid = ‘loc11112536618e’) has had a name change to ‘Balmoral Village’. This name change has been applied by the jurisdiction to differentiate two localities in NSW that previously had the same name of ‘Balmoral’. The locality_pid for this locality has been retained.

Retired Back Creek (locality_pid = ‘loc365c9229b366’). The area of this locality was amalgamated into the locality of Mongarlowe (locality_pid ‘loc1db45efffad9’).


Geoscape has migrated from using the jurisdictions data projected in GDA94 to an updated supply using the GDA2020 datum. The differences between the two projections have caused minor geometry changes in this release. Where possible locality_polygon_pid’s have been maintained during this migration.


Geoscape has migrated from using the jurisdictions data projected in GDA94 to an updated supply using the GDA2020 datum. The differences between the two projections have caused minor geometry changes in this release. Where possible locality_polygon_pid’s have been maintained during this migration.



Geoscape has migrated from using the jurisdictions data projected in GDA94 to an updated supply using the GDA2020 datum. The differences between the two projections have caused minor geometry changes in this release. Where possible ward_polygon_pid’s have been maintained during this migration.