Nationally, the May 2024 update of G-NAF shows an increase of 46,261 addresses overall (+0.30%). The total number of addresses in G-NAF now stands at 15,654,578 of which 14,820,195 or 94.67% are principal.
The confidence level distribution nationally for the May 2024 release has the confidence 2 addresses increasing by 40,753 from the February 2023 release with the total percentage of confidence 2 addresses increasing to 68.59% of principal addresses. The number of confidence 1 addresses has increased by 777 and represent 14.28% of all principal addresses while confidence 0 addresses have decreased by 528 and represent 17.13% of addresses.
With respect to address reliability, there was an increase of 43,434 address level, a decrease of 2,584 in street locality addresses and an increase of 152 in locality level addresses. The reliability of principal addresses in G-NAF is now made up of 97.59% address level, 2.37% street locality addresses and 0.03% locality addresses.
Release Summary¶
Update summary¶
Retirement of addresses in NSW and Queensland.
Impact of cadastral shifts in Victoria.
For details on theses updates, refer to the Updates section in this report.
Issues summary¶
For more information refer to the Updates section on these issues.
Future Considerations¶
Changes to Geoscape Cadastre and Property.
Details of these changes can be found under the ‘Future Considerations’ section of this report.