Technical Description
Wards is created through processing ward data sourced from Australia’s States and Territories. Source attributes are mapped and standardised to provide a coherent definition across the jurisdiction supplies, with associated geometry being cleaned and processed to output a topologically consistent layer of Australia’s ward boundaries at a national scale. Additional attributes have been generated and integrated by Geoscape to support the jurisdictional information as well as to provide convenience in the use and representation of the dataset.
Wards is updated and released regularly and has integrated relationships with other Geoscape Products. Further information regarding attributes, quality, coverage and product release details are outlined below.
This product is integrated with the following Geoscape products:
* Local Government Areas
The joins used to link to these products are shown below, with attributes used in the joins described.
.. graphviz::
digraph {
fontname="ROBOTO" fontsize="10pt"
node [fontname="ROBOTO" fontsize="8pt"]
edge [fontname="ROBOTO" fontsize="8pt"]
subgraph cluster_WARDS { label="Wards"
graph[style="dashed,rounded" color="#EA6B66"]
wards [shape=plain
wards |
PK |
ward_polygon_pid: varchar (15) |
FK |
lga_pid: varchar (15) |
subgraph cluster_LGA { label="Local Government Areas"
graph[style="dashed,rounded" color="#7EA6E0"]
lga [shape=plain
lga |
PK |
lga_polygon_pid: varchar (15) |
FK |
lga_pid: varchar (15) |
subgraph cluster_legend {
graph[style="" label="Legend" ]
legend [shape=plain
wards:lga_pid -> lga:lga_pid [constraint=none]
wards -> legend [style="invis"]
Ward Name
The Ward Name attribute provides the name of the ward in Title Case (e.g. ‘Central Ward’, ‘O'Shannassy Ward’, ‘Colac Otway Shire’). Geoscape has provided these names with reference to jurisdictional definitions.
The LGA PID attribute provides information on the Local Government Area that is related to the ward. Wards represent a subdivision of Local Government Area boundaries, therefore a ward_pid will only relate to a single lga_pid.
Data Model
.. graphviz::
digraph G {
fontname="ROBOTO" fontsize="10pt"
node [fontname="ROBOTO" fontsize="8pt"]
edge [fontname="ROBOTO" fontsize="8pt"]
graph [pad="0.5", nodesep="0.1", ranksep="0.5"];
subgraph cluster_legend { label="Legend" shape=plain
legend [shape=plain
Spatial Attribute Table |
Textual Attribute Table |
key [shape=plain
key2 [shape=plain
key:i1 -> key2:i1 [arrowhead=crowodot ]
key:i2 -> key2:i2 [arrowhead=crowtee ]
subgraph cluster_data {
subgraph cluster_WARDS { label="Wards"
graph[style="dashed,rounded" color="#EA6B66"]
wards [shape=plain
ward |
PK |
ward_polygon_pid: varchar (15) |
FK |
ward_pid: varchar (15) |
date_created: date |
ward_name: varchar (75) |
FK |
lga_pid: varchar (15) |
state: varchar (3) |
geometry: Polygon |
lga [shape=plain
lga |
PK |
lga_polygon_pid: varchar (15) |
FK |
lga_pid: varchar (15) |
date_created: date |
lga_name: varchar (75) |
lga_abb_name: varchar (50) |
state: varchar (3) |
geometry: Polygon |
wards -> lga [ arrowhead=crowodot dir=both arrowtail=crowtee]
Data Dictionary
.. csv-table:: wards
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 150,100,300,100,100,100
:file: technical_description/table_wards.csv
Domain Values
.. csv-table:: state
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 33 66
:file: technical_description/domain_state.csv
Update Frequency
This product is continuously updated and released with the most up to date data available on a quarterly schedule in the months of February, May, August and November.
Data Quality
Positional Accuracy
This product has been created by combining ward boundary information from multiple jurisdictional sources. Each jurisdiction has a range of collection methodologies to capture the digital representation of the ward boundary. The varying approaches to maintaining the boundaries will contribute to the dataset’s overall accuracy. As the jurisdiction capture programs improve or otherwise change ward boundaries, we incorporate these changes as an update into the product and the positional accuracy is maintained. Geoscape makes minor changes only where they are required to create valid features described in Geometry Validity.
Coordinates Referencing the GDA2020 Datum
Spatial features referencing the GDA2020 datum are produced using a coordinate transformation from the GDA94 datum using the following parameters.
* shift_x = 0.06155,
* shift_y = -0.01087,
* shift_z = -0.04019,
* rotate_x = -0.0394924,
* rotate_y = -0.0327221,
* rotate_z = -0.0328979,
* scale_adjust = -0.009994
Geometry Validity
The geometry is validated to ensure polygons are a valid representation and free of self-intersection. Issues being detected and resolved include spikes, bow ties, duplicate vertices, null geometries, multipart geometries and self-contacts. Gaps and overlaps are resolved for polygons within each State or Territory. Gaps and overlaps between State or Territory boundaries are not resolved. Where valid holes are present in the jurisdictional data, such as lakes or rivers, these holes are retained.
Polygon orientation conforms to the following specifications:
* OGC Simple Feature Access Specification v1.2.1 [Section -]
* The GeoJSON Specification RFC7946 [Section 3.1.6 dot point 4]
This means the polygon outer boundary will be counter clockwise and the inner boundary will be clockwise for file formats that support the above standards.
Further Comments
Wards has been processed to assure all polygons are stored as single part features to improve compatibility with a range of software applications. As a result, there can be a duplication of the ward_pid for some wards that are represented by multiple, separate, polygons.
Extent/Geographic Description
The spatial coverage of this dataset includes Australia’s land mass and surrounding offshore islands.
The Bounding Box for this data is as follows:
* North bounding latitude: -8˚
* South bounding latitude: -45˚
* East bounding longitude: 168˚
* West bounding longitude: 96˚
.. image:: technical_description/wards_extent.png
:alt: Extent Map.
A detailed description of the coverage for each State and Territory is provided in the table below.
.. csv-table:: Coverage Extent
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 33 66
:file: technical_description/wards_extent.csv
Spatial Reference System
Horizontal Datum: The Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94) is the target horizontal datum.
Coordinate System: Geographic Coordinate System Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94).
Horizontal Datum: The Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) is the target horizontal datum.
Coordinate System: Geographic Coordinate System Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020).
Delivery Format
The data is provided at a National and a State/Territory level, depending on the file format selected. The data is made available in the File Geodatabase, GeoJSON, ESRI Shapefile and MapInfo TAB formats described below.
.. csv-table::
:header-rows: 1
:file: technical_description/wards_formats.csv
File Geodatabase
| **Format name**
| File Geodatabase – ESRI™
| **Specification**
| This format includes files with the following extensions: \*.gdb
| ESRI File Geodatabase Technical Description. Follow this link: http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/desktop/latest/manage-data/administer-file-gdbs/file-geodatabases.htm
| **Language**
| English
| **Format name**
| **Specification**
| This format includes files with the following extensions: \*.geojson
| GeoJSON specification: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7946
| **Language**
| English
.. note::
The GeoJSON specification states that the coordinate reference system for all GeoJSON coordinates is:
“a geographic coordinate reference system, using the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) datum, with longitude and latitude units of decimal degrees”
Wards will be provided with coordinates using the datum selected for download (GDA94/GDA2020) with longitude and latitude units of decimal degrees.
| **Format name**
| **Specification**
| This format includes files with the following extensions: *.json
| JSON specification: https://www.json.org/json-en.html
| **Language**
| English
ESRI Shapefile
| **Format name**
| Shape – ESRI™
| **Specification**
| This format includes files with the following extensions: \*.shp, \*.shx, \*.dbf
| ESRI Shapefile Technical Description, an ESRI White Paper, July 1998. Follow this link: https://www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/shapefile.pdf
| **Language**
| English
MapInfo TAB
| **Format name**
| TAB – MapInfo Professional™
| **Specification**
| This format includes files with the following extensions: \*.tab, \*.dat, \*.id, \*.map
| The MapInfo TAB format is a popular geospatial vector data format for geographic information systems software. It is developed and regulated by MapInfo as a proprietary format. TAB files support geospatial standards such as Open GIS, the OGC, ISO, W3C and others.
| **Language**
| English
| **Format name**
| Geopackage
| **Specification**
| This format includes files with the following extensions: \*.gpkg
| OGC Geopackage Standards. Follow this link: https://www.geopackage.org/
| **Language**
| English
Product Versioning
The product versioning is managed through incrementing when there is a change to the product schema or a significant change in data population, these are described further below:
* A schema change can affect a major or minor increment to the versioning. Additive changes (changes that won’t break customers’ ability to work with the data) will be incremented with a minor version increment, an example is the addition of a new attribute. Removal of attributes or changing the structure of the schema will enact a major change to identify that this requires the attention of all customers and partners.
* Where a significant geography of Australia either has a new population of data for an attribute or is populated from a much higher quality source a minor increment will be applied to the product version.
Therefore, the product’s versioning will not increment with every data update. Published releases will have a name (e.g. ‘August 2021’) and will reference a version of the product (e.g. ‘1.0’).