Change Notification


Changes to the ADDRESS_TYPE field and ADDRESS_TYPE_AUT table

As mentioned in previous G-NAF Release Reports, the review of the ADDRESS_TYPE code has been completed and changes to this field have been applied in the November 2023 release of G-NAF.

The changes to be made are as follows:

  • Remove several sub types from the ADDRESS_TYPE_AUT table. The table will contain just three rows describing URBAN, RURAL and UNKNOWN.

  • Update the ADDRESS_TYPE of existing addresses to align with the updated AUT table.

  • Update the ADDRESS_TYPE of addresses with a null address_type to UNKNOWN.

These changes will be reflected in the G-NAF Product Description.

Retirement of addresses in Tasmania and NSW

In the November 2023 update, Geoscape has retired some 4100 addresses in Tasmania and 600 in NSW that were provided by contributors. The addresses were retired following a review because they are considered to be either historical and have been replaced by other addresses or are “infill” addresses. In both cases, the addresses are considered to not be in use by the community and as such were retired and allocated a confidence level of -1.

“Infill” addresses are those street numbers created to provide a full sequence of addresses along a road. This is undertaken to support the internal administrative requirements of contributors. For example, the street numbers in use may be 2, 6, 10 and 14 however the contributor will include in their dataset street numbers 4, 8 and 12 to complete the sequence. As seen in the examples below the “infill’ range can be larger.

Tasmania example of infill addresses

Tasmania Infill Address

Tasmania example of infill addresses

Tasmania Infill Address

Tasmania example of infill addresses

Tasmania Infill Address

Impact of Cadastral shifts in Victoria

As mentioned in previous G-NAF Release Reports, a spatial upgrade by the Victorian Government of its cadastre has been occurring over the last six months. However, the changes that have occurred have not impacted G-NAF to date as the shifts have been relatively small given it has been occurring primarily in urban areas. Whilst Victoria have been moving their urban address geocodes to align with their upgraded cadastre, this has not yet occurred in several rural LGA’s where larger shifts in the cadastre have recently occurred.

This has resulted in G-NAF addresses that were previously within the parcel, now lying within the abutting road casement. Approximately 1,000 addresses have been impacted in this way in the LGA’s of Glenelg, Golden Plains and Southern Grampians.

It is anticipated that this will be resolved in future updates of G-NAF when the jurisdiction shifts its address geocodes to align with its upgraded cadastre.

Notification of Change

Removal of the ‘Documents’ folder from data packages

From November 2023, Geoscape will be progressively moving product descriptions, guides and reports online to

Commencing with the May 2024 release, data packages will no longer include the Documents folder.