
New Issues

NSW Locality Update – Balmoral Village

As mentioned in the pre-release report for Localities, the locality of Balmoral (primary postcode 2571) has undergone a name change to Balmoral Village but retains the same LOCALITY_PID, loc11112536618e. In G-NAF, a locality name change such as this triggers an updated ADDRESS_DETAIL_PID for the address and G-NAF requires distinct locality pids to manage the name change for retired/new addresses. All the addresses with the locality of Balmoral (primary postcode 2571) have been retired and now have a LOCALITY_PID = 500222019 which was also previously the GNAF_LOCALITY_PID.

New addresses and ADDRESS_DETAIL_PIDs have been created for Balmoral Village and these are using the unchanged locality_pid, loc11112536618e and a new GNAF_LOCALITY_PID of 500226570.

Resolved Issues

Ongoing Issues

Other ongoing changes

  • Identifying and creating principal–alias address relationships including address de-duplication.

  • Ongoing validation and removal of sensitive information in the building_name, address_site_name and geocode_site_name attributes.

  • Targeted address improvements and corrections as required.