
G-NAF (Geocoded National Address File) is the trusted physical address index for Australia. It contains the state, suburb, street, number and coordinate reference or geocode for street addresses in Australia. G-NAF uses existing and recognised address sources (referred to as contributors) including the state and territory government land records, as well as address data from the commonwealth government and other national sources. For more information, please refer to the G-NAF Product Description.

Document Purpose

This document provides a description of the issues, changes, features, updates and overarching statistics relating to the applicable data release. This document should be read in conjunction with the relevant Product Description.


This document is made available to Geoscape staff, data contributors, direct clients and end users. It is intended to be used by business managers, data managers and analysts as a guide and reference to understanding the content and variations within a data release.


  • G-NAF Product Description (

  • Geoscape Data (


Geoscape Australia Support
Geoscape Australia